Sunday, May 13, 2012


come on! i'll show you how beautiful the black and white photo is!

Roland Barthes said..
"the photographic image.. is a message without a code"
 yes that's totally right!

Aaron Siskind said..
"photography is a way of feeling, of touching, of loving. what you have caught on film is captured forever.. it remembers little things, long after you have forgotten everything."
Robert Frank said..
"Black and white are the colors of photography."

yep! cause the photo can be so beautiful in many ways, although in black and white colors.
and thanks, for looking my photos.

i lurv yaa.. sweetie!

Monday, May 7, 2012


and this is the time when you fall in love wiff the camera..
so i'll bring you to another sweet tour!
snap snap..

this isn't about ugly or beautiful faces..
this is about how you make the picture look so beautiful!
 it's depend on you!

 i taken this photos just for fun..
hope you like it yeay!

it's wrap! hohoho.
see you later sweetie.