Tuesday, February 25, 2014

caramel hair!

"I mean seriously, who wouldn't want to have great looking hair?"
- La Isabella

and so do i xixi.
this time i'll post about my new hair.
caramel brownie~

i dyed my hair since a couple weeks ago.
and here it is.. i got a little "ombre" on my new hair.

yesh, i dyed it when i was taking a term break in Bandung.
i choose my favourite hair salon  called "Strawberry Salon".
you should try!!! xoxo

i also put a kind of hair braid on my hair!
P.S: it is an imitation hair with a various range of colour, so.. for everyone who keep asking me where and how i get my little cutie hair braid, i got it on hair salon that i mentioned above, they put the hair braid like a hair extension.

"Our hair is a statement of style, an affirmation of beauty, and an expression of self-love."
-Adèmola Mandella

yes.. i really really love my hair!

so.. love your hair cause your hair is a precious thing that God gave to you!

don't forget to watch my new music video on Youtube!

catch youuuuu laterrrrr sweets xixi.


  1. tapiiiii.... rambutkuuu ngga se-bagus dan se-indah rambutnya katell:(
    tp ttp bersyukur kok^^

  2. Dari dulu suka bgt sama rambutnya teh thella :-)

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  4. Kak aku jg domisili bandung hehe, strawberry salon itu dimana kak? dan harganya berapa untuk ombre rambut? Mohon bantuannya kak lagi nyari salon yg bisa ombre hehe
