안녕! 안녕! 안녕!
remember my last post about Jade Garden? >.<
yea.. i promise u to upload another photos of my short trip to South Korea.
here it is my short trip to Jade Garden in Chuncheon-si!
there r many beautiful spots inside, but unfortunately.. i couldn't walk around since i just had about one hour there.
but never mind I'm still happy anyway ㅋㅋㅋㅋㅋ
fyi, Jade Graden also the place that We Got Married Taeun Couple used for their wgm scenes. kyaaaaak~
대박!!! so glad i was there xx
the scenery in every season is different but i think.. it might be more beautiful if you come on winter.
(since there is no winter season in both indonesia nor singapore kkkk)
anyway if u askin' me "how to get there", u can see it on my previous post:
im not really sure about it, but at least u can give it a try xx.
and fyi again.. i used Golden Rama Tour and Travel for this trip.
u can check on the link above for further information.
thanks for visiting my page, hope u enjoy it.. and have a nice day sweets xx