Saturday, June 9, 2012


yes maam.. i took my new photos with my new pink headband.
is that cute rite????
let's see how cute it is..

Cute LOVE.

wohooo i love the headband and i love the photos.
see you on another shoot.


  1. hey ka tela! you know? you're my inspiration! i love, and i always support you my angel! keep success and love sweeties okey? love you more than anything! <3 :* ({})

  2. hey kak tela! you so beautifull, cute, kind :) just, you are so perfect <3
    ditunggu yah kak FTV yg baru yg bareng XO-IX ;)

    Big Hugs :* ({})

  3. ohh.. youu look so beautiful. do you know ? you look like an angel. angel for sweeties and bro Reza #gombal haha..
    but I'm serious. You are so beautiful, beautiful from the heart as well.
    love you more ka tela. I'll always support and be always "sweeties" <3

  4. hallo thella,
    happy birthday ya cantik :)
    wish all good things for ya, sukses selalu

    makasih udh jdi inspirasi buat gue ;)

  5. halo kakak thella say hello dong :)

  6. Halo KakThella...Aku fans nya kakak..sekaligus teman nya Rahma Ayuning yang pernah ke MnG nya Be5t di mall taman anggrek...maaf ya kak aku gak dateng ke MnG nya Be5t nya waktu itu..salam kenal ya kakk..
